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Thursday, August 11, 2011

ToonsTunes buddy list help

Hey tooners, Help made a video about how to fix the buddy list problem on ToonsTunes. I think it's really helpful, enjoy the video.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big K concert items

Hey Tooners, today is the day we all have been waiting for with exitement, the day of Big Kahuna's concert Toonapalooza. and as promised there are special concert items. Here is a picture of the cool items.

If you haven't bought the items yet, you better hurry up!
Rock on and enjoy the concert.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hello Toons,
Today, Big Kahuna announced the date of his new concert!
The concert will be called ''Toonapalooza'' 
Here is what the official blog post says :-

Hey Tooners,

The day you all have been waiting for is finally here! Big Kahuna, ToonsTunes staff, and friends are going to be performing for you this Wednesday!!!! It’s going to be huge. Here are the details:

Where: Platy Park in Milky Way Server
When: August 10th at 11:00am PST/ 2:00pm EST and then again at 5:00pm PST/ 8:00pmEST

There are going to be new items, awesome music and tons of tooners so log in and join the fun!

See ya there,


I really can't wait.
It will be an awesome occasion, full of fun and songs!
and you can see the stage now at platy park!
Do you think the concert will be awesome?
Do you think there will be cool items at the ''Concert collectables'' catalog?
Leave a comment telling us what do you think!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

ToonsTunes missing platy guide

Hello tooners, as you probably have seen on the News stand a toon has lost her Platy and needs help to find it again.
Here are the hints we got:

1st: The platy is pink
2nd: He ran away from platy park
3rd: He is very shy

The platy can be found at two locations at Mall deck, here is some pictures of the locations to make it easier for you to spot the missing platy.

Click at the platy as soon as you spot him, and grab him as fast as you can so he won't get away. You will get a trophy and 5 dymonz as an reward for finding him.

I hope this guide helped you, and don't forget to visit


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pod Mods Catalog - Updated!

Hello Toons,
Today, ToonsTunes team added new speakers at the Pod Mods Catalog!
Looks cool, small and simple!
Don't forget to visit

ToonsTunes - New catalogs updates!

Hello Toons,
Today, woot added new items at the catalog!
Go to the treehouse, then go to the Hidden items catalog!
Wow! Wizards items everywhere!
Does this mean something? Maybe a wizards attack on ToonsTunes?
No one knows! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

ToonsTunes - Pictures *Important post*

Hello Toons,
Today, Woot made an awesome folder in it somethings would help you in your designs and blogs!
To download the folder please go to this link :-
This folder includes Toons, Robots and more! 
Here is an example :-
Please, post it on all your blogs and spread the word!