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Shnuds Instruments Quest!

Hey Toons , The crew succeeded in making Quest guide for Shnud instruments quest ;) First, go to the robot at the Blue deck and click on him .. then click  ''Yes,I'll help"
Then , he will show you what do you need to get in this quest and there are tips =]
First one is at the Blue Deck , Country Cuzzins
2nd one at the Mall Deck , Platy Park
3rd one at the Jam Junction , Pet shop
4th at Red deck , Landing pad
5th one at the Mall deck
6th one is at the Blue deck , Recording studio
7th is at the Blue Deck , Country Cuzzins
the last one is at the Red deck , The cellar
and when you complete the quest you receive this Hair xD looks cool huh?
Thanks for visiting this page , i hope i helped you alot =]