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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tinychat party!

Hello Toons!
I have an awesome party for all of you guys! :)
It's not a party on ToonsTunes.It's a party on tinychat!
I'll be there on CAMERA and I'll be singing! lol
All you have to do is DANCING hahaha :D I'll also be reading your tinychat messages and chat and respond to ya'll! just keep tooned! :P
Also,I will be looking like this.Wearing 3D glasses,headphone and a t-shirt :P I won't wear the same t-shirt tho :P lol.
Lol! Just come on this link :-
I know you guys can't wait to hear me singing :P lol! 
The party details are :-
Where :-
When :- Wednesday , 6th of July.
What :- Magic's singing party :P
here is a count down for the party!

Can't wait to see ya! :P
-Magic,video guru


  1. Nice post Magic.
    1st I'm removed from blog
    2nd I can't come on party because I'm going on Holiday that day in your country in Hurghada.So I must take a break of ToonsTunes 2 Weeks.

    ~Blue star :)

  2. Wow! :-) You will like Hurghada a lot!
    You will enjoy it,don't worry! :)
    Plus,I don't know how you are removed from the blog o.O
    -Magic,video guru

  3. Nelson,the blog just got hacked and I restored it. Sorry,but we are keeping everything safe for now))
    Thanks for your comment!

  4. Whoa dude your uglier then i thought and i heard your voice suck i probally wont waste my time on this and also no one cares what your wearing lol

  5. Thank you dude! :D You rock ;-]
    Why don't you show ur self and say who you are?
    Oh yeah,I forgot your not brave enough XP!

  6. You start following people like a dog chases cars i don't want someone as annoying as you following me, and no problem ;)
    For your information it was a comment and you must be a fool to try to find out who gave a comment lol and if you have problems with anonymous just disable it.
