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Saturday, July 16, 2011

ToonsTunes - New updates! 7/15/2011

Hello Tooners!
Today, there are more new updates on ToonsTunes!
Secret achivements? Secret items? hmm
That would be really secret XD
First of all, when you enter you will find a pop up box informing you about the secret achivements and items,etc..
Wow, I am really wondering what could this item be
Do you have any idea? I think it could be a shoes or something?
Leave your comment telling what do you think!
Also, I got some achievements and t-shirts because I crossed level 5 and level 11.
I really love this idea,
so, here are some hints how to get achievements and new items!

  1. Level up a lot!
  2. Get highscores on games
  3. Make a lot of songs
  4. Collect a lot of dymonz
As an example, ipower got a highscore on Platy man the game at krater karoeke.
So he received an awesome, animated t-shirt
Good job Ipower
and good luck everyone to get achievements and new items!
Don't forget to leave a comment telling ideas about what the secret item will be!
-Magic,video guru


  1. Yeah, you need 14,000 points on platyman to get the shirt!!! so far only M junaid and me have it, it took me a LONG time to get this shirt :D Keep trying if you lose guys!

  2. Thank you for informing me and everyone dude! ^.^
    I'm trying now and I always lose haha :D
    I'm still trying though!
    Thanks for your comment!
