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Monday, July 11, 2011

ToonsTunes - Updates 2011!

Hello Toons,
updates are everywhere now! ToonsTunes changed to the best.
If you didn't join ToonsTunes you should really join it now!
They got Memberships,leveling up,dymonz,voice recording,more pods and more items!
First,let's begin with Membeships!
1 months ago,Nanibobo said that memberships will be coming out when woot takes his summer vacation.Then,we all waited for Woot and hoped that he success!
Then,we found a small update I've posted it earlier which is the note above the login page! ''Memberships and more coming out in July'' wohoo! lol.
and here is the day that ToonsTunes changed to the best!
First,the login page is update with a memberships banner above and some new cool page!
Then,when you click to membership it re-directs you to
I just wanted to tell you in ''What people think'' feature in the page
I said the last paragraph!
and as always there is a button inside of the game that says ''Become a member''
You should buy a membership so you can ''Voice record,spend dymonz,buy awesome stuff,buy new pods and more!''
That's all about Memberships,let's go to the next topic ''Leveling up''
Yes,ToonsTunes added leveling up and level to all toons!
The game is more challenging now and competitive for all toons!
When you click on your playercard.Here is how the levels looks like!
Looks really great,poor Magic.You only have 2 Dymonz! lol.
Also,when you click on others playercards there is a new thing that says which level is he/she!
Poor nani,you are only level 0! lol
Next topic,is the Dymonz.They are like shiny things you can collect but only MEMBERS can spend them!
It's really fun to collect Dymonz and spend them with awesome items! New page coming soon on how to collect dymonz!
This is how the Dymonz look like.They are shiny things that you will collect them so you can spend awesome items! Just keep tooned!
There is also a Hidden Catalog that in it 3 awesome items.2 guitars and an ANIMATED t-shirt!
First,go to Treehouse and look at the picture below!
Just click on the black spot and this will show up!
That's all about Dymonz.Let's switch to the next Topic which is New pods!
Yes,there are new pods!
They are really awesome.To get them you have to be member! Just go to Red Deck,infront of pod mods you will find a funny alien XD click on him!

Woot invited me to his pod and it was awesome!
I really like the updates you guys should buy memberships now! 
Let's switch to the next Topic which is easier to find a song!
There is a search box at jukebox!
it's very easy now to find a song or songs of a user!
Check out how the searchbox looks like!
Finally,recording topic!
Members can now record their voices to a song! That's awesome! :-)
Yes,you can now record your voice on toonstunes and add it to concerts and parties! :D

I really adore those updates and I'm buying memberships really soon!
Long post eh?
Don't forget to check how to collect dymonz page coming very soon!
and leave a comment here telling your opinion!
-Magic,video guru!


  1. Good Post Magic I Sent you a request to your email
    So that u Coould Join TT Technology Again

  2. Thank you for your comment,I'll accept the invitation as soon as possible because I'm a bit busy now!
