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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

ToonsTunes Blogger Of The Week - New Rules!

Hello Toons!
Today , I've added some Blogger of the week rules.
There were some issues going on when I announced that ToonsTunes Planet are the winners.Some toons joined the blog after I announced and they said that they wanted to get the prize.But , I said in the post that Nelson , Starlow and Hearbreak kid will have it.I didn't mention any other names :)
So , I just wanted to inform you with the new rules :-
1.Blogger of the week should be the Tooner/Tooners who came up with the blog and not the helpers/authors.
2.If you said ''Put (bla bla) blog on the poll , your blog will lose a big chance to win the Blogger of the week.
3.Your blog should be active and have posts WEEKLY
That's it.
Thank you for reading ,
-Magic , video guru


  1. this is my blog follow it we post almost every day!!

  2. Thank you Young Wulfy , I added your blog to ToonsTunes Crew blogroll! :)
