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Friday, June 24, 2011

ToonsTunes Crew song contest winners

Hello everyone, here is what you all have been waiting for, the winners of the ToonsTunes Crew song contest!

The winners are:

1st place: The Game4747, he will get the Logo Drums.

2nd place: Sprazz Cazmo, he will get 5,000 koynz.

3rd place: Kiwi, she will get 3,000 koynz.

Congratulations to the winners, all of your songs were really good!
Don't give up if you didn't win this contest, there will be more contests you can enter.

Remember to visit our blog daily!



  1. A really nice post and contest, Kois1. And also congreats to the winners! ;;)


  2. Awesome post Kois as always.
    Congratulations to the winners!
    And Kois I wish we can be friends again because you were my best friend in ToonsTunes and I say that you are using me but I know you are not.Please can we be friends again? =(

    ~Blue star

  3. Congrats to all the winners :-) and nice post as usual kois! :D

  4. Yayy! Thanks! :)
